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Editor: Paul Grimes
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Free Stuff

Free Stuff ME has been providing freebies and online goodies, discounts and discount codes and coupons for over 7 years now, most of our visitors enjoy the service as intended and many find real gems and treasure here especially in our voucher code sections (For students as well), if you have a free offer or item you are giving away and/or contest, offers or any promotional codes then please contact us! If you are looking for Discounts, Freebie Websites, Great Freebie Samples you have certainly found the right place............

Listings (Updates Daily)
0800 ISP
0800 Internet Access Providers, flat-fee access and deals...
Birds... Cats... Dogs... Horses...
A collection of animal related freebies

Business Free Stuff
Directories... Marketing... Printing...
Home based business oppurtunities or business ideas and tools to get your business started.

Charities NEW***
Exclusively for charitable organisations, items here are not necessarily free but may be discounted or reduced in value on items given away in support of the charity.

Books... DVD.. Laptops...
Hardware, Software and PC related....

section for competitions and contests! Freebies

Education And Teaching
Colleges - Dissertation - Lesson Plans - Software - Training Sites - Worksheets - Books - Directories - Essays - Posters - Students - Universities - Student Free Stuff
Free Education, Teacher Teaching and Student Resources

Free Email
Spam... Reminders...
E-mail Alerts and Services.

Commercial Fonts - True Type Fonts
List of Font Archives

Food And Drink
Recipes.... cooking, food, and drink including recipes from Bon Appetit and Gourmet and Samples...

Free Stuff Sites
Jokes.. Coupons... Arts... Cash...
Other freebie sites on the Internet!

Online... Cards... Strategy....
Online gaming resources Flash Downloads Stuff ...

Looking for your ancestors? Genealogical research right here! Samples

Clip Art... Photographs... Smileys... Wallpapers... Icons... Stock Photos...
clipart, graphics, free icons, banners, backgrounds and much much more...
Health And Beauty
Perfume... Baby.... Slimming...
Free Beauty offers, weight loss, information and Samples with Health offers etc...
Electrical... Jewelry... Garden....
Offers for home and garden including giveaways to sheds.. Free Stuff
Consumer Law... Work Accidents...
No Win No Fee...
Advice... If you need some legal advice, a few useful contacts for you to check out....
Freebie Motoring accessories and cars here (if your lucky)!

Free Music
Downloads... Freeware... Sheet Music...
MP3s, WAVs, MIDIs, Music, Samples And Sounds...

Programming NEW***
HTML... Servers... Python... Protocols... Java... Post Script... Visual Basic... Programming tutorials and FAQ to assist your web development.
Adware... Virus... firewalls, Web browsers, e-Mail programs, FTP programs, etc...
Newest Freebies
If you are a regular visitor you can now see the most recent additions to the free stuff ME directory here!

Recreation NEW*** Free

Recycling Recycle it here, this part of the index will list where to get rid and recycle something safely, also ideas etc.

Dating... New Section Help and Dating

Religious organizations and help!

Ringtones ringtones, polyphonic, all sorts of mobile goodies here.....

Whether you're looking for tickets, events, or TV shows its all here...

News and resources for TV and listings free videos etc.

Concerts... Cinema... Football...
Online resources for tickets for football, Golf and concerts, music festivals etc. ... Coupons

If you are going away, backpacking or just looking for money off! Travel

Voucher Codes
Dedicated to code type websites and freebie reduced price vouchers, coupons and codes.

Bloggers... Ebooks... Guestbooks... Web Space... Webmaster freebies including, Webspace Tools and Web Site Resources .... Webmaster Tools

Other Resources
The items in this category contain other useful links that are not necessarily FREE! And really cannot be put anywhere else! This is the resource page for everything else....
Although this site is primarily 100% free stuff for the UK - United Kingdom there are offers and discounts for the US - United States and International, for instance you can be anywhere in the world to play online games, or take advantages of some free online offers and there are many more contests, sweepstakes and competitions you can enter without being in the UK.
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