United States consumer laws are governed by the individual
state, but also on a national level. They are put in place to protect the
rights of consumers, by ensuring good business practices, and cover a wide
variety of consumer to business interactions. Consumer laws are regulated by
many governmental bodies and organizations, and the consumer laws are construed
out of several separate acts.
This committee acts as a consumer safeguard, by keeping
track of developments in legislation on fraudulent, or deceptive marketing and
unfair business practices. This consists out of monitoring the outcome of court
cases brought on by industry watchdogs like the Federal Trade Commission. They
also monitor individual cases of consumers versus businesses, and on occasion
cases brought on by theattorney
Aviation Enforcement and
This office monitors and investigates cases regarding
compliance in aviation consumer protection, including economical and civil
rights. They also offer legal consulting and assistance on licensing issues, in
the field of aviation.
Product Safety Commission for
This US commission is in charge of guarding the consumer
from the risk of injury, and death, on all products that fall under the
organization's jurisdiction. Thanks to the efforts of the CPSC the ratio of
injury or death, where consumer products were at fault has decreased with one
percent per year, for thirty years, resulting in a thirty percent decline.
As stated these committees, and other government entities,
work according to the many acts that combined make up the us consumer laws.
These laws are: The Consumer Credit Protection Act officially known as the
United States federal wage garnishment law from 1968,the Fair Credit Billing
Act (FCBA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act.
The mentioned committees and other government entities, in
charge of monitoring and investigating compliance to the consumer laws, are
assisted by so called industry watch dogs.
Federal Trade Commission(FTC)
This organization serves as the national watch dog for
protecting consumers, and collects consumer complaints regarding individual
companies, overall business practices and the media. The FTC also makes every
effort to educate the general public on matters like protection against fraud,
and advocates consumer education.
The Food Safety and Inspection
The FSIS acts as the watch dog for guarding consumer health
and falls under the United States Agriculture department. The organization is
in charge of the correct labeling and packaging of the nation's food supply,
and to ensure they are safe and healthy.
National Consumer Law
The National Consumer Law Center, is an organization
consisting out of legal experts in the field of consumer law, in order to offer
assistance to consumers, their legal counseling, and also to law makers, in
order to utilize the often complex laws. They also act on behalf of the weaker
income classes in the United States, who cannot defend themselves.
Besides the official organizations and entities mentioned
above, there are several privately funded consumer organizations, outside the
government, like the Association for Consumer Research, Better Business Bureau
and the Consumer Specialty Products Association, to name just a few, as there
are many more.