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Last Update: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 At: 9:41:19 (Total Listings: 9)
Linux DOS Win95 OS2 Mini-Howto
This article is a mini how for creating a multibooting system. It is written by Mike Harlan in 1997. This document presents a procedure to make four operating systems co-exist on a single hard disk. The guide provides the procedure for using Linux to create four sub-partitions on an extended drive, and tricking MSDOS and OS2 into seeing only three logical drives instead of four.
(Voting: 0.00 From 5 On 0 Vote!) Vote! Why? (Date Listed Wed Apr 25 14:54:59 2007)
Linux + Windows 95 Mini-Howto
This article is a mini how to for using Linux and Windows 95 in a multiboot environment. It was written by Jonathon Katz in 2001. It provides the installation options for Linux and Windows-95 using hard disk partitioning. It instructs how to use the new system and install a drive with FAT32. It provides a brief overview of the DOS executable Linload and installing Windows on Linux.
(Voting: 0.00 From 5 On 0 Vote!) Vote! Why? (Date Listed Wed Apr 25 14:55:19 2007)
Linux+Windows NT Mini-Howto
This article is a mini how to for using Linux and Windows NT in a multiboot environment. It was written by Miroslav in 2003. The mini-HOWTO covers some ways on how to install both Linux and Windows NT on the same computer and how to boot either of them from within LILO menu. It also covers upgrading from NT 4.0 to 2000.
(Voting: 0.00 From 5 On 0 Vote!) Vote! Why? (Date Listed Wed Apr 25 14:56:18 2007)
Linux Installation Strategies Mini-Howto
This article is a mini how on Linux installation strategies. It was written by Tobby Banerjee in 2003. The document discusses a few installation strategies for those who intend to dual-boot between Windows and Linux. It illustrates the basics of installation and includes a note about hard disks and partitions. It discusses using Lilo and Loadlin and instructs how to perform rebooting.
(Voting: 0.00 From 5 On 0 Vote!) Vote! Why? (Date Listed Wed Apr 25 14:56:18 2007)
Linux + Windows Howto
This guide presents a unique approach to installing Linux and Windows for multiple user needs. It was written by Jonathan Katz and Dr. Robert J. Meier. This how-to is focused on a general step-by-step procedure for configuring systems using different characters as audience. It includes concepts such as disk and format, partition and file system, backing up software and data and loading the new operating systems amongst others.
(Voting: 0.00 From 5 On 0 Vote!) Vote! Why? (Date Listed Wed Apr 25 14:56:46 2007)
Linux + Win9x + Grub Howto
This how-to discusses using GRUB for having Linux and Win9x multibooting option. It was written by Joel Rosen in 2002. This guide shows how to use the GRUB bootloader to turn the computer into a Windows and Linux dual boot machine, without affecting the current Linux installation. It includes the advantages for using this method, the essential requirements and a step-by-step procedure for installing GRUB and Windows.
(Voting: 0.00 From 5 On 0 Vote!) Vote! Why? (Date Listed Wed Apr 25 14:57:18 2007)
Multi-Boot Machine With Linux And Other OS
This guide instructs how to set up a multi-boot machine with Linux and other operating systems. It is written by Thomas Burger in 2000. It includes the steps to enable booting various operating systems from a menu on machine startup. It gives a detailed procedure for installing multiple operating systems on a single computer, and discusses the details of hard drive organization, boot process, hard drive formats and partitioning.
(Voting: 0.00 From 5 On 0 Vote!) Vote! Why? (Date Listed Wed Apr 25 14:57:51 2007)
Guide To Multibooting
This tutorial is a step-by-step recipe for creating a system that can boot four different operating systems. It is written by Michael Cermak in 1998. It explains how to setup a brand new system to become a multi-booting system, from a blank HD, to a finished product. It also includes steps on how to keep the current OS and install another one. The guide also provides several screenshots.
(Voting: 0.00 From 5 On 0 Vote!) Vote! Why? (Date Listed Wed Apr 25 14:58:11 2007)
The Multi-Boot Configuration Handbook
This site provides a Web Supplement for the Multi-Boot Configuration Handbook written by Rod Smith in 2000. The book shows how to run more than one OS on a single x86 PC. It includes basic information on PC architecture, BIOS, hardware and multi-OS configurations. It offers practical advice on partitioning, OS installation, data exchange, cross-platform utilities, networking and modern hardware. It is meant for performing multi-OS setups and configurations.
(Voting: 0.00 From 5 On 0 Vote!) Vote! Why? (Date Listed Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970)
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